Thursday, November 20, 2008


A man in Louisville Kentucky will be celebrating a very usually anniversary at the end of November. Milton Betts has had the hiccupf for nearly a year now! He said that he has tried almost everything to get them to stop. Betts stated "I've lost about 35, 40 pounds." "I'm off of work right now because when I go to work, I lose my breath. I have had a couple episodes at work when they sent me home because I couldn't breathe." After the hiccups wouldnt go away after a couple days he decided to go to the doctors to see if he could get on any medication to fix the non-stop hiccups.

Yea pretty sure this is crazy! Sometimes i think the hiccups can be fun, but like after 10 minutes im ready for them to go away. I don't understand how the guy could cope with these for nearly a whole year. Its kinda good that he lost some weight, im sure he can't really complain about that.

i got my article from

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Chineese food industry

McDonalds is a 66 billion dollar industry in china. the profits went up 25% from last year. A way that china connects to their coustmers is that they sell local foods. Sure their Mcdonalds will have a burger and such, but they will also have things that the chineese people would like to eat. In example they sell cups of corn. Even though China is very high in the fast food industry for having very high sale rates there are other chineese companies who want to sell their food in other countries. They plan to go public within just two years. Some of their resturants might even make their way to America.

It would be nice for other resturants to come into America. Mcdonals are everywhere and its kinda annoying. There are already Chineese resturants here but this one might be different. Also chineese food is very very yummy!

Friday, November 7, 2008


In the past 14 years the unempoment rate has been the higest ever. The U.S. economy shed 240,000 jobs in October and the unemployment rate jumped sharply to 6.5 percent. having to deal with all this uneployment is one of the majior problems Barack will be facing when hemeets with his economic advisers. More than 10 million people are now jobless, actively seeking work but unable to find it, a number that has spiked by 2.8 million over the past year. Manufacturing lost 90,000 jobs, part of a steady decline in U.S. factory employment, while construction shed 49,000 jobs. The retail sector lost 38,000 jobs, with high gas prices, stagnant wages and general concern about the economy leading consumers to scale back spending. Professional and business service companies dropped 45,000 positions.
I think a lot of unemployment is happening becuase everything is becoming more expeniseve and a lot of jobs can now be ran by computers or machines and people are not needed anymore. And people not being able to find jobs has to do with the computers and machines. It is the reason that people are loosing jobs and the reason that they can not find them as easy anymore.